Sunday 26 June 2016

Brexit notes #2

“If Polly Toynbee is upset, the nation has clearly done the right thing.”
    “Jeremy Corbyn’s evident lack of conviction when campaigning for Remain gave Labour voters a licence to vote the way they wanted. Labour’s usual suspects complained that Corbyn failed to connect with the voters, but the outcome says he did exactly that and they chose to vote Brexit, which is what he has been advising since the 1970s.”
    “Falls in the stock market weren't due to Brexit; Establishment hysteria caused them.”
    “Before the vote, the CBI was claiming that Brexit would cost £100 BILLION and ONE MILLION lost jobs. But all that has gone away now.”
    “David Cameron thinks his finest achievement is letting homosexuals pretend to be married; and that’ the best explanation we can offer for why he failed. That and his total lack of political vision and convictions, and his belief that people should do what he tells them because he’s . . . well, Dave.”

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