Friday 17 June 2016

Besieged in a bunker?

George Osborne, with his threat of a punitive emergency budget if the nation dares to vote for Brexit, has put himself into the same position as a terrorist who has announced that he has guns and grenades, and he intends to attack a shopping mall.
    More than enough Conservative MPs to start a leadership contest have told the prime minister that they will not let a budget that makes a nonsense of the last election manifesto pass through Parliament. Thus a vote on Osbo's budget will result in a declaration of no confidence in his government.
    If David Cameron has any political sense, he will have to talk Osbo out of his terror attack. And if that fails, sack him. Will Osbo still have his job at the weekend after the Brexit referendum? It all depends how suicidal Dave is feeling. If he doesn't get his way over Brexit, is he prepared to take this government with him?

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