Tuesday 12 April 2016

Why is Dave being trolled?

The chain of envious socialist logic seems to go: "David Cameron has more money than me, therefore Dave is EVIL and Dave should give money to me because I’m not evil." I have vague memories of a travel book, in which the author gave an account of a trip to eastern Africa; Zanzibar, or somewhere like that; and he reported that the locals perk up when they see a white face and demand, “Give me my money.”
    It’s exactly the same mentality here. The envious socialists are too idle to get off their butts and make something of themselves, and they feel entitled to scrounge off people with a little more wealth as some sort of god-given right.
    Okay, it’s pathetic but that’s where our free, enlightened society has gone. Scrounger heaven.
    Okay, envious socialists are programmed to hate Dave because he’s a pretend Tory. But if they’re going to shoot at him from moral high ground, they have to make sure that it’s over something real. Because as far as paying your whack is concerned, Dave is at level 76 grand in that area of moral high ground compared to J. Corbyn who paid only to something like 2p in income tax last year.

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