Tuesday 26 April 2016

Setting the world to rights? But whose rights?

I do find a degree of casual arrogance in the assumption of envious socialists that they have a divine right to redistribute the wealth of people they hate in ways that make the socialists feel good in the name of creating a fairer society. Which just reinforces the old adage that taking the envy out of a socialist is like taking the air out of a balloon. That’s all they have really, because what’s left after the air is gone is all shrivelled up and insignificant.
    We have had generations of politicians swearing blind that they’re going to create a fairer society; and then human nature gets in the way. The people obeying the rules get mad because they see others being allowed to ignore the rules, the politicians bung their mates to ensure that they get their ration of bungs in the future, the balance of society shifts a bit and no one ends up that much happier.
    And then, along comes another gang of politicians with some old snake oil in a different bottle saying if we can just stick our hands a bit deeper into the pockets of (insert your own category, e.g. the rich or non-doms) then everything will be peachy. Plus ça change . . .

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