Friday 8 April 2016

The real Mossack Fonseca Story

From a British perspective, the Mossack Fonseca leak shows that David Cameron’s father took pains to keep his money out of the grasp of the taxman by entirely legal means. So no problem there. He paid his due taxes and he probably paid a whole lot more than any of the envious socialists, who want a free ride at the expense of the rich and the fortunate.
    Something else that the M-S leak shows, which isn’t okay, is that corrupt politicians in Third World recipients of British aid have way too much cash to have acquired it honestly, which raises the obvious question of why Dave the Leader and his sidekick G. Osborne are so cool with feeding British taxpayers’ money to corrupt regimes abroad.
    They should be outraged by the abuses of aid money. And if they’re not, bearing in mind that they are politicians, the British public is entitled to ask what they’re getting out of it.

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