Sunday 9 July 2017

Everyone loves Aunt Sally

If you do sleight of hand, the thing is to prevent the sucker from seeing what you’re doing. This crap about climate change deniers being humanity’s greatest enemy has all the dishonesty of the Sky mobile ad with the sugar cubes. Starting with the label.
    Humanity has as much to fear from climate change deniers as from other mythical beings like vampires, werewolves and zombies.
    The climate changes; that’s a given and there’s abundant evidence of how it has changed in the past. The climate might change to advantage or disadvantage a particular group of species but the change itself is neither good nor bad. It just is.
    If you’re looking for bad, consider the source of the derogatory label: global warming fraudsters and the mugs who bought their scam. The people who pretend that they can predict what the climate will be doing in the next decade or even the next century, and who claim that they can steer climate change in a beneficial direction. Only, to whose benefit and how much consultation went on is never disclosed.
    Naturally, the climate steering can happen only if the fraudsters are awarded lots of other people’s money. Because that is all that it is about. As for any scam, the money is everything and the heart and soul of the racket.
    In pursuit of the racket, the fraudsters set up an Aunt Sally (the climate change denier label), told us they’d routed their imaginary enemy and expected the rest of us to be stupid enough to be impressed. Maybe, in time, they’ll learn that not everyone is an idiot. But only after they’ve taken a hell of a lot of money off idiots and those at the mercy of idiots in government.
    Let us not forget that global warming fraud costs lives: 80 and counting at Grenfell Tower.

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