Friday 20 November 2015

Should Britain go to war in Syria?

There are lots of excellent reasons why we shouldn’t. Such as the reasons why we should have stayed out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Our politicians were and remain clueless. They didn’t have an exit strategy for the above 3 wars and they won’t have one for war in Syria. They got rid of Saddam Hussain, the Taliban (partially and temporarily) and Gaddaffy, and they’ll no doubt get rid of Assad, but they just created a safe haven for monsters in the previous wars and there’s no reason to think things will go any better in Syria.
    Then there are the additional arguments. The geniuses at the Ministry of Defence are incapable of procuring decent equipment and sending a properly provisioned army into the field. And the guys on the General Staff with red tabs on their collars didn’t exactly cover themselves with glory in the previous wars; not if we have a sergeant with battle fatigue doing time in gaol for murder. No doubt we’ll hear lots of crap about winning hearts and minds in Syria, where the combatants don’t have hearts or minds, they just have guns and an insatiable desire to slaughter anyone who doesn’t belong to their particular Islamic cult.
    And then we’re back to politics and the failure of our politicians to prevent the taxpayer from being ripped off by crooked lawyers bringing spurious human rights cases from right, left, centre and every other direction. Not to mention the traitors within the military police, who think they’ll score points by railroading British troops into gaol.
    Not until we get a thorough house-cleaning all the way down the line will the British public start to think that the government might possibly be starting to become a tad less clueless and able to look after our interests.

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