Tuesday 24 November 2015

Money and policy

1. Despite “The Cuts”, the police forces in England and Wales still have plenty of money to waste on inefficient procurement, excessive salaries (the top cop in Scotland is on £700K) for senior officers and Spanish practices. And the police budget has increased by £1.5 billion over the last 15 years, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, which should know.
    So what “Cuts” are we talking about? If police forces really are short of cash, the cause should be self-inflicted by senior officers. The police forces in England and Wales are sitting on reserves of £2.1 billion, and some forces have doubled their reserves in the last 5 years. So there is clearly cash available for immediate needs despite all the shroud-waving that goes on.

2. There’s nothing wrong with putting troops on the streets alongside unarmed coppers to deter coppers, no matter how much the Labour party moans. Better to have them doing useful work here than fighting a war in Syria, which should be the responsibility of the Moslem nations who protest that the Islamic Scumbags are nothing to do with them, e.g. Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

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