Saturday 31 August 2024

Why not?

The main argument for a parachuting Olympics is that the events wouldn’t last too long. In fact, their duration would probably match the attention span of up and coming generations!

The way it really is

Don’t believe anyone who tells you Beer Smarmer’s popularity has plummeted. All he ever had going for him before the election was not being the Tories. And now he’s proved himself to be totally useless, he’s just settling at his natural level; rock bottom.

Another Smarmer lie

Beer Smarmer’s claim that he’s made a trade deal with Germany is fiction. As a minion of the EU, the Germans government isn’t allowed to make that sort of deal.
    Has Beer lost it completely, living as he does in a fantasy world with the far-Right knocking on his door all the time?

It’s now the way things are

Does it matter if Beer Smarmer is saying nothing about the train drivers’ union threatening more strikes, despite his caving in to their current pay demands?
    Not if all Beer would do, if he had anything to say on the subject, would be to unload another load of lies.

Friday 30 August 2024

Not as advertiscd

Yesterday was supposed to be sunny, according to the weather bloke on the TV. Well, it was in the morning. Then, if it was sunny after that, it was above the horizon to horizon clouds until the evening arrived.

Better fit

A Daily Disaster reader suggested that Rayner & Reeves sounds like an estate agency.
    In real life, Angrier & Thievin are more like Burke & Hare, as far as their effect on the country is concerned.

Well, why not!

It’s something which certain people have been yelling about for ages – a wet week or month in the stocks for those who go out of their way to deserve it, like persistent burglars and politicians who lie their head off all the time.
    It was falling over in amazement time to read the Dominic Lawson page in the Daily Mail and find out that whilst the pillory has been junked, the use of stocks is still available as a punishment.
    If we didn’t have such a crap government, it would be a new Golden Age for the builders of stocks!

All talk

The Warmists are going on about maybe 8,000 summer heat-related deaths by the end of the century if they can fiddle the global temperature up to 3 degrees Centigrade above the guess for pre-Industrial times.
    What doesn’t seem to be on offer is any sort of solution to their problem. Other than pointlessly covering the UK with wind turbines, which don’t provide any electricity at times of most need as the wind doesn’t blow much then.

Thursday 29 August 2024

An age of wonders!

Beer Smarmer’s prisons crisis, we are expected to believe, just vanished overnight. And all he would offer in the way of a distraction was more wibble about his fantasy of a far-Right army waiting to take over the country.
    The quality control mob slipped up badly when they let this clown become the prime minister.

No, it’s not hot

The Met Office is back at it again – putting 22 in a box on a red area of a weather map. Who do they think they are? An offshoot of Uncle Beer’s government with a licence to lie?

Sympathy-free zone

It’s not really possible to look kindly on an Israeli army which rampages around in what its government freely admits are ‘occupied territories’.

History Revisited

The prime minister telling us he’s made a total bog of his first 50 days in office and things will get worse was followed by a dash to Berlin to sell out Brexit.
    No surprise that people are drawing parallels with Neville Chamberlain’s return from Germany waving a piece of paper and claiming everything is going to be okay. Uncle Beer inspires much the same level of confidence in his ability to protect our interests from our enemies in the EU.

The way we are

Things can only get worse, Beer, our bumbling prime minister reckons.
    8 stabbing at the Notting Hill Carnival is not a problem.
    The prisons are full thanks to Two-Tier Beer’s posturing.
    The economy is trashed thanks to the combined efforts of Beer and Rachel Thieves, and taxes will go up despite pre-election pledges of no tax rises.
    Any danger of an apology? Forget it.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Apt Description

It seems the morons who put trigger warnings in front of old TV programmes have a name. They’re called ‘grievance archaeologists’ and their agenda of trying to judge the past in terms of how things are today is called ‘presentism’.
    Which sounds rather like the complaint Beer Smarmer has about people who insist on going to their workplace instead of being Labour absentees.

Outbreak of honesty? Surely not!

Things will get worse and worse, the prime minister told us yesterday at an all whistles and bells press occasion.
    Not because he’s not up to the job of running the country, but because those evil Tories wrecked it beyond his powers of fixing things. Which is why he needs a decade with his hand in the taxpayer’s pocket. Now, we’re close to the truth.

Moronic make-work?

Sound sense from Mr. Littlejohn of the Daily Disaster. Why train railway staff to shoo swans off the lines when ASLEEP and the other unions are perpetually on strike for even more ridiculous pay and there are no trains?

Early Start

 Why wait for 2029?
    Some people are getting their message across now!


Tuesday 27 August 2024

Blatant Bias

Great point from another Sunday Post reader – if the Tories had stolen the pensioner Winter Fuel Allowance, the far-Left, politicians and media mobsters alike, would still be jumping up and down with synthetic rage.
    As it was Labour that dunnit, nothing.

Oh, Really?

The Trollenberg Terror, a black & white horror film billed as such in TV guides “may contain scenes that some viewers may find distressing”.
    Yet another example of useless idiots extracting the urine.

Allowance for idiots?

“The following program may contain outdated cultural depictions that reflect social attitudes at the time of production”
    Well, of course. Who but a steaming idiot would think otherwise?
    Which makes messages like this before episodes of ancient TV shows look suspiciously like the posturing Left waving two fingers at normal people in the audience.

Other things to tell Indian scammers:

The scammer claiming he’s from MicroSoft did a Bank Holiday nuisance call yesterday morning to find out if my computer was back from the repair shop. From a landline number in the Bristol area rather than on his mobile.
    I told him my wife (or it could have been my sister) is out at a Bank Holiday meeting of friends and she’s taken the laptop to show them some pictures on it.
    “Can I call you this afternoon?” said the scammer.
    “Sorry, mate, I’ll be out then.” Phone down.

Monday 26 August 2024

Perfect Fit

Congratulations to the lady who came up with “From the Needy to the Greedy” as a motto for Beer Smarmer’s gang of Labour grabbers.

Lack of Equivalence

It takes a rather inventive imagination to come up with equating the deaths of some of those on board a superyacht moored at sea in a catastrophic and freak weather event with deaths of illegals who were trying to sneak into our country and drowned in the Channel.
    The one was an unpredictable accident. The other was self-inflicted. But the lady doing the equating in the Sunday Post yesterday didn’t seem worried by any of that.

Never Event

What’s the point of all this talk of Boris Johnson going back into politics as an MP to be a minister in a shadow cabinet?
    He needs to be making lots of cash to support his immense tribe. And why would he go back to the people who stabbed him in the back?
    Still, it gives the scribblers something to be inventive about.

Another Observation

People will be leaving their doors unlocked by the end of the year, as they did in the good old days, as they will have nothing worth stealing left after Beer’s gang has finished with them.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Can’t even lie convincingly

Even the BBC is saying Starmer is lying about the state of the economy as inherited from the Conservatives. That’s how pathetic his sorry tale is for the Big Speech next Tuesday.
    Everyone knows he dug the hole. But being a politician, he just can’t admit it.

A sound rule

Treat all politicians and their minions at local and civil service level as crooks and you can’t go far wrong.
    In fact, do this for everyone in the public sector until they have demonstrated that they are not either a crook or an idle incompetent.
    Such is the extent of the corruption which has spread through the ranks of the people with hands in our pockets.

More Starmer Lies

All the economic indicators and the book-keepers were telling us the UK economy was in good shape for the future before Labour took over.
    But yesterday, we got a trailer from our tenth-rate PM of the lies he’s inflict on us on the day after his Bank Holiday break.
    He’s going to pile even more lies on the ones we’ve had from his truth-averse Chancellor.
    He’s going to blame the Brown Hole in the accounts caused by all the cash he’s stolen, and planning to steal, from us on his pathetic tale of Tory chaos, and he’s going to tell us the theft will get worse over the rest of the year.
    All thanks to him and his useless cronies.
    Which leaves the rest of us hoping that nice Mr. Putin will invade us next week and ship Beer and his sorry crew off to Siberia.

Kinda predictable

It was really bright and sunny not long after daybreak at 7 a.m. this morning. Fast-forward to 11 a.m. and we’ve got grey clouds everywhere and no sign of the Sun.
    Weather Control has screwed up?
    No, just getting ready for tomorrow, which is a Bank Holiday.

We should be told

Lots of credit to the alert person who wondered if Rachel Thieves used the Post Office’s defective Horizon program to create her imaginary multi-billion-pound deficit in the nation’s accounts.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Cartoon character

We had Edstone Milipede on TV yesterday, lying about what the last government did. And it’s true. He’s looking more and more like Wallace of Wallace & Gromit fame!


Weird Person

If Swedish sexpot U. Jonsson found getting it on with Sven Eriksson as exciting as assembling a ‘you build it’ bookcase, why did she?
    Unless she has a broad masochism streak.

Weird Place

Why would handing control of the police to their local criminals help the Pals of Palestine in the USA?
    Just one of the many questions sparked by pictures of the collection of posters on poles in the Democrat conference’s agitator compound.

What next?

Train drivers in 800-quid flip-flops bought with their massive pay rise just to rub in the Smarmer collapse to his paymasters?

Friday 23 August 2024

Easy Fix

Beer Smarmer posturing as a tough guy has filled up the prisons and left no more room for rioters until he releases seriously dangerous criminals.
    So why not deport the 10,500 foreign bad guys who are getting free board and lodging here?
    Probably because it’s actually a sensible thing to do and the Labour party doesn’t do sensible.

Fair Game?

MacGuyver and some mates charging around in three Minis. Now where have we seen that before?
    How about in The Italian Job some sixteen years earlier?
    Homage or just nicking the idea and hoping no one will notice?

Okay, Cynicism Rules

So it’s goodbye to Creaky Joe Biden and hello to the prospect of that cosmetic lump Obama pulling the stings of Mrs. Harris if she beats Trump in November.
    I wonder if she’ll get a Nobel Prize for doing nothing, like her puppet-master, if she gets the job of POTUS?

Future Disastrous rather than Imperfect

 Interesting thought from Quentin Letts of the Daily Disaster. Civil service mandarins and the likes of Sue Gray are bindweed made flesh. They are choking the life out of the nation.
    And then there’s that vampire Chancellor Mrs. Reeves . . .



Thursday 22 August 2024

Joining In

Some bloke with an Indian accent calls you using a mobile phone and claims to be from BT or MicroSoft. You know he’s lying to you and that gives you a licence to return the compliment and let your imagination roam.
    I’ve found that telling the bloke that your computer is in for repairs stops him dead in his tracks. No computer, no chance of directing you to a fake website that will inflict malware on you.

Get it right

Describing the late Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History Of Time as number one in a top 20 of favourite reads is a joke.
    It holds world records for both the most copies sold and also the most copies left unread.

Pointless Exercise

It’s all very well for the government to tell criminals to hand in zombie knive & similar weapons at police stations, but finding one that’s still open is a major headache and probably beyond the average teenage gangster.

Another Pass

Do we really want to know the sexploits of sometime England football team manager Sven Eriksson? Stick him in the Megan box!

Where the blame really lies!

Never mind the oil and gas industry, TV gardeners are creating a massive chunk of the UK’s carbon emissions by growing vast amounts of vegetables for their shows, and just dumping most of it on a compost heap to rot.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

The truth behind the lie

When Thievin Reeves started going on about a £20 billion Brown Hole in the nation’s accounts, it wasn’t one dug by the Tories, it was the size of the hole she intended to dig herself.
    But, wheels-off time, when Smarmer’s Army has finished bunging Labour’s trade union pals, the Brown Hole is likely to be £40 billion deep.

That’s Not Hot!

Who but the Met Office would put a box with the number 22 in it on a red portion of a weather map? All part of the not-so-great global warming scam, I suppose.

Another classic

The Impossible Mission crew and their collection of Nazi uniforms has been retired by the Legend channel. What’s the replacement? The original MacGuyver, starring the future Colonel Jack O’Neill of SG-1. Great!
    Oh, no! Mac was followed by the Airwolf gang doing another neo-Nazi episode. Maybe it’s just as well the A-Team are going to replace them if they ended up that short of ideas.

Limp Lie

Why are newspaper scribes telling us that Labour has lost its grip on militant trade unions? That’s just a fantasy.
    Having bought over 50% of the current supply of Labour MPs with donations adding up to millions of pounds, all the gripping is on the trade union side.
    In fact, always has been, always will be.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Even Labour’s excuses suck

The Worst Excuse in the World Award has to go to the government spiv who claimed that revealing how many civil servants go to their office instead of shirking @ home would damage national security.

Headache for Labour

They’ve whacked out so many lies in their first month and a half in office that they’ve used up the entire supply for their first year in office. As a result, their lie factory Shirk @ Homers are having to put in an extra half an hour per day to do some restocking. And not happy about the resulting 3-hour working day.

Separation zone

The vice-president of Colombia, being polite to a visitor to a country which is so much safer than the UK despite all the drug banditry, thinks that Meghan Sussex deserves to tell her story on NeatFlix.
    Fair enough. As long as Mrs. Vice doesn’t expect us to have to listen to it.

Progress? Really?

Are the current crop of school leavers really the brightest and the best of all time? That’s what we’re invited to believe. Shame that the private schools which Labour bias wishes to drive into extinction are still the best of the best.
    Shame also that our struggling universities are going for less than the best if they come here from abroad with a fistful of cash.

Monday 19 August 2024

The bad start continues

The ranks of the boat people continue to grow at the new normal accelerated pace. No sign of our Labour geniuses doing anything to stop them. No sign of Beer Smarmer & Co. having a clue about ‘smashing the gangs’, which are reported to be too decentralized to suffer much interference.
    This is what you get when a party with the support of just 20% of the electorate gets into a position where it can spend five long years wrecking things and lying continuously.

‘Spanish’ Abuses

Reading the list of Spanish Practices the railway unions are allowed to get away with gives us an idea of just how terrible rail ‘services’ will become when all the franchises run out and Labour adds railways completely to the public sector.
    It’s quite easy to see where this is going. Automated trains with drivers controlling them from a holiday beach on the day and a half when they actually do something to earn some of the 8 days’ pay Labour has given them for what is laughingly called a working week.

One or T’Other

Has the BBC got a problem with sex predators? Savile, Rolf Harris, Huw Edwards, et al?
    Or does their outing show that something is working, if very slowly?

Observational Hobbies

What the British do well – sarcasm. Rare bird spotters, rare train spotters and by the time the Smarmer gang has done with us, GP spotters too.

Sunday 18 August 2024

Polished Finish

Guitars out, paragliders with a flag overhead for the Austrian anthem. And the Sun actually looked out here. After the Mansion Cat had finished scoffing a whole tin of tuna.
    Lots of excursions at turn 1 of lap 1/28 for the MotoGP guys. Bagnaia and Martin swapped the lead. Marc Marquez moved up from 13th to 7th. A bike slid off the track on lap 11. MM was up to 5th on lap 17 with Binder then Bastianini ahead. Bing! 4th
    Large gaps between positions 1-4 with 5 laps to go. No change. No. 1 Bagnaia finished first, which seemed appropriate. Now get out of No. 93 finishing 4th!

Why not?

Synchronized rioting as a new event for the LA Olympics?
    Well, why not? The local team should do quite well.

Where’s the Sun?

At Spielberg in Austria, not here. The Moto2 gang weren’t too bothered about staying on the track during lap 1/23. A couple of crashers. Canet went from leading to 3rd in the first couple of laps. Viette was ahead of Lopez with Jake Dixon 4th.
    Canet got past Lopez briefly. Dixon caught the second two as the race ran down, and overtook Canet at the start of the last lap to bag 3rd. A big lead for the winner, Viette, with Lopez 2nd.

Death Wish XX

The human race seems to have an infinite capacity for self-harm. A global pandemic released from a virus engineering laboratory in China. Now, the WHO is yelling about mpox, a disease of monkeys passed on to Africans who have sex with them.

Austrian Spectacle

Ortola was left way behind when the Austrian Moto3 race began. Loads of long lap penalties. The first crash was on lap 2/20. Kelso & Muños leading. Holgado went from 3rd to 2nd to the lead.
    Lots of lead group barging on lap 12 but no crashes. Another crash with 5 laps to go; an unusually low score. Ortola reached 9th but with a 4-second gaps to the group ahead.
    Alonso, Muños, Holgado on lap 19. Some shuffling behind Alonso on the last lap but that’s how they finished. Great race!

A win for apathy

Such is the state of disillusionment with the current politicians on offer that 60% of the respondents to a poll decided that they don’t care who the next Tory party leader is.
    Probably because it will be someone else when the next general election comes around.
    Just like Beer Smarmer won’t be the figurehead then, it will be someone else just as useless.

Saturday 17 August 2024


That was an interesting thought someone had. If the husband of Thieving Reeves ever wants a divorce, all he’ll have to tell the judge is that she was lying when she said “I do” and the marriage never happened.
    And that will be the end of it. No messing about.

Spot On!

The Chancellor is now called Legless Reeves in recognition of her inability to recognize the truth if it bit her leg off. She might feel she has a licence to lie, being a politician, but that doesn’t impress the people paying the price of her lies.
    It’s possible she could end up being called Lugless Reeves as well due to her inability to hear the chorus of rejections of her pathetic lies about the state of the economy.

Useless or Sinister?

What is Beer Smarmer doing, sending that clown Lammy to the Middle East to order them around? Or is he trying to start a serious war there to distract attention from all the strikes here?

Another beauty

“Has Labour lost control of the unions already” has to join the list of daftest headlines of all time.
    Everyone knows that the Labour party is just the piper and their union paymasters call the tune.
    Why else would the rail unions be back with their hands out and threatening more strikes after getting stupidly generous pay offers without a requirement to abolish their Spanish Practice abuses of the people doing the paying.

Friday 16 August 2024

Historical Essential

A bunch of Nazis up to no good on the TV. Is it (a) the Star Trekers? Or is it (b) the Mission Impossible crew with Mr. Spock as Paris, the magician? Could be either, or both in succession, on the Legend channel.
    In fact, it was option (a) last night.

Don’t mention this

Recent rioters will not be excluded from Labour’s early release scam for prison inmates.
    Which makes what have been touted as severe gaol sentences for rioters as rather softer than Beer Smarmer would pretend.

Sounds Fair!

It has been suggested that Rachel Thieves should lose 2% of her over-generous pay (i.e. £3,277.82) for every lie she’s told since the July general election was called so that the rest of us can bet on when she will be working for nothing.
    Assuming she’s not there already, of course!

Tosh world champions

“These Games gave us hope amid the darkness”, the fluffy headline read. Not to the millions who didn’t watch any of it as they had better things to do.
    Definitely a headline to file with the one on the front of the Daily Mail last Thursday claiming that the left-wing street-fillers had ‘faced down’ Beer Smarmer’s imaginary far-Right thugs.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Lunatics still at it

If you are 12-55 and you need the services of a radiographer, you will be asked if you are pregnant, even if you’re a bloke.
    This is the latest bit of woke box-ticking from the Society of Radiographers, which is already creating a great deal of customer distress and depriving some people of a much needed appointment. Not that something like that will trouble the lunatic fringe of the medical trade.

Still soft on crime

Confirmation that ‘Vote Labour, get an idiot’ is for real has been offered by the bloke who replaced Jacob Rees-Mogg in the Commons. This particular idiot thinks bringing the M25 to a standstill is okay and not worth gaol sentences for the evil Just Stoppers involved.

Pull the other one

Are we really expected to believe that sub-teen and barely teenage opportunist thieving kids are members of the far-Right, who want to take the country over?
    Because that’s what it comes down to.
    For once, the police are doing their job; except if a pub-wrecking Moslem mob is concerned;  and the courts are actually doing the job they’re supposed to do. But as for the millions of the far-Right who were supposed to be on the nation’s streets everywhere last week; not much sign of them.

Sounds likely

Someone on the internet (where else) calculated that taking the Winter Fuel payment from pensioners will cost the NHS twice what Rachel Thieves stole from them when the weather gets cold.
    Joined-up government? No chance of that.

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Another name needed

Is the Labour party really so reliant on the Moslem vote that it has to sneak a blasphemy law in through the back door? And calling it Islamophobia is just plain ignorant.
    A phobia is a fear of something. Like being chopped to bits by some fanatic with a big knife.
    All Labour’s Islamophobia law will be is a means of extracting fines for failing to appreciate a foreign religion’s eccentricities, some of which breach our existing human rights laws.
    Which Labour will abolish when no one is looking?

Why not them too?

The BBC is demanding 200 grand in wages back from their disgraced commentator Edwards. What would be really fair would be for the bosses who casually handed all that licence-payers’ cash to him to match it out of their wages.
    And be subject to similar fines for future transgressions.

Weather Misinformation

The Met Office is getting a good slagging off. They were claiming a record temperature on Monday for the UK which is England plus Scotland plus Wales plus Northern Ireland.
    Which is rather more than a small bit of Cambridgeshire almost getting to 35 deg.C but not quite.
    Monday was supposed to be blazing sunshine all day. In fact, it was overcast and rather grim most of the time for us.
    It was supposed to be raining yesterday. But the Sun kept breaking through the clouds and there was plenty of washing out around us and getting dry. No rain until almost 5 p.m.

More of it

Crossword clue: toilet expert (7)
Suggestion: Shitaki? No, they’re mushrooms, aren’t they?

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Weather Control having a giraffe?

 What a weird day it was yesterday. The Sun was shining when an expedition set off for the local Aldi. Then we got a bit of a shower, then the Sun shining through the shower.
    The rain stopped, it began to get quite warm with the sunshine, then we got a covering of dark grey clouds and it all went a bit chilly. And that was just the morning on what was supposed to be a Record Temperatures Monday with bright red weather maps.
    Meanwhile, Athens under threat from wildfires on the lunchtime news. No danger of anything like that here.

The Big Debate

There have been complaints about calling the Chancellor Thieving Reeves – mainly because adjective and noun don’t start with the same letter. The best alternative seems to be Robber Reeves but Robyn also works.
    On the other hand, there are those who think a name that trips off the tongue because both words start with the same letter distracts attention from the crimes against humanity committed by the person awarded the adjective. And that we should stick with Thieving. I note that she’s also known on the internet as Rachel Thieves.
    Quote: The day everyone agrees about everything is the day we all drop dead of shock.

Right Attitude

When informed that dog owners can blow 84 quid on a bottle of perfume for their pet, the Mansion cat just sat and looked at me for a moment, then she walked away, swishing her tail, to find out if there was any tuna on offer in her feeding area.

No Contest

The poll results are in and Chancellor Reeves is certain to go down in history as the most reviled holder of the job of all time.
    Gordon Brown was bad enough with his tax & waste policies but people weren’t asking after his first month: “Does he have shares in the funeral industry or does he just hate old people?”
    As they are about Reeves following her theft of the WFA.

Monday 12 August 2024

Room for more

We seem to have got rid of the Olympics, but are we going to get any real news and worth watching programmes to fill up the gaps in the TV schedules? Don’t bet on it.

Time to emigrate?

We’re told that we’re in deadly danger from the far-Right. But they are pretty invisible. The real danger is from the mob who are getting thousands of far-Left mugs to cough up for banners demanding the country be flooded with bogus asylum seekers.
    Who’s going to pay for all that? One guess.

Easy Pick

Are left-wing politicians evil liars by nature or do they have to go on a course?
    The ones we see on TV suggest it’s the former.

Those were the daze?

The Legend channel does a good job of reminding us how daft some of the original Star Trek episodes were. Like Captain Jim Koik strolling around in a gangster outfit with a Chicago piano. And Mr. Spock likewise.

Sunday 11 August 2024

A question for the indignant ones

If Elon Musk owns X and he knows it’s being used to spread tripe about what’s going on here, doesn’t that give him something solid on which to base his civil war tweak of Beer’s tail?
    And he’s not the only one. Our home-grown media icons are muttering about the French Revolution, the one the Russians had and the Third Reich.
    How are they any different?

Warfare Wednesday?

You just have to look at the numbers and the newspaper pictures to know where the truth lies. A few right-wingers giving V-signs behind a wall of police, thousands of left-wingers with their placards with cute messages about opening borders.
    It’s not the far-right that’s stirring up the trouble. It’s the far-left gang who are getting all the posters made and directing gangs of mugs to distribution points.

Brain-dead journalism

What is the point of telling us rioters have collected gaol sentences totalling 32 years? It’s a totally mindless number with no data on how many criminals are involved.

Wicked Witch of Westminster

A Daily Disaster reader recalled a Thieving Reeves sob story told to a Labour conference about doorstepping a constituent whose hands were purple and frozen on a cold April evening.
    Reeves claimed she often thought about this woman.
    Now, we know what she was thinking: “What can I do to make this woman’s life worse? I know, I’ll steal her Winter Fuel Allowance when I’m the Chancellor.”
    That’s how severely she’s trashed her reputation in just one month. How much worser can it get?

Saturday 10 August 2024

Left not Right the problem

 t’s perfectly reasonable to notice that Islamists doing the Akbar chant to intimidate and threaten are committing a public order offence quite cynically and deliberately.
    It’s completely unreasonable for far-Left usual suspects to demand that their Islamist chums should be allowed to get away with it under Labour’s 2-tier policing system and no one should even be allowed to mention this threatening behaviour.
    But that’s where we are now, in an Age of Unreason.

Just to be clear

Are we really supposed to accept that it’s okay for government ministers and their minions to lie to us on the BBC but nokay for anyone Beer Smarmer calls far-Right to tell lies on the internet. Or even the truth about the government lying to us?
    Welcome to the age of Big Brother Beer!

Dear Complaints Department,

In office, chips down, challenged to deliver and all Smarmer’s lot have done in their first month is prove they’re just a bunch of useless lumps.
    Can we have our money back?

Heads or tails, he loses

There are two opinions about Beer Smarmer getting into it with population-bulging internetter Mr. Musk.
    If he’d left well alone, he wouldn’t have the cartoon image of being a Two-Tear Crocodile.
    If he’d got on with the job he’s supposed to do, but which he’s making such a bog of, things would have been even worse!

Not Another

Switch on a bit early for the lunchtime news – quick, hit the mute button! There’s some shouty bloke going bananas over something Olympic.
    Not exactly an incentive to watch.

Friday 9 August 2024

Endless circle

You do start thinking the scum of the Earth are taking the piss excessively when you get Protesters doing protests and more Protesters doing protests against the Protesters.

Variable speed grind

They can shove a couple or three token rioters in gaol in a couple of days. But how come the Southport killer won’t be on trial until next year? Sounds like the effin’ lawyers are getting a TON of flesh out of this rather than the traditional pound.

And another thing

This civil war – who vs whom? And are we going to be told which side we have to be on?


It was nice to see Beer Smarmer getting flak over the Musk civil war nonsense. If Beer has just got on with his job and ignored a load of rot on the internet, there would have been no frantic headlines in our newspapers.
    But no, Beer had to stick his attention-seeking nose in.

Thursday 8 August 2024

All togged up, no sign of the foe

Thousands of coppers, Islamists and far-Left loonies out on the streets to do battle with the far-Right last night. Shops boarded up and the owners losing millions in lost business.
    What happened?
    Nothing, actually, as the threat was all in Beer Starmer’s imagination.

Labour’s Strategy?

Start really badly and no one will expect anything else for the rest of your term in office. Is that what Beer Smarmer & Co. are counting on?

Clueless now

It’s worth repeating what most people have noticed, namely that Beer Smarmer’s problem is he’s not an ideas man. All he could do in opposition was yell for the opposite of what the Tories were doing, such as demanding a universal lock-down before the government got round to it when the Chinese plague was rampant and then demanding an end to it almost as soon as the lock-down had been imposed.
    With the Tories no longer setting the agenda, he’s really floundering. And doesn’t it show.

Another Question

Something else being wondered about is whether there will be an honest count after this coming winter of how many excess deaths were caused by the Chancellor ‘Thieving Reeves’ doing her grab of the winter fuel allowance.
    The smart money seems to be going on either a faked body count, or no count at all in an attempt to spare Reeves a bit of embarrassment and reputational damage.
    Which is already a lost cause!

Wednesday 7 August 2024

At it again

Great! TV are at it again. They’re pretending they’re showing The New Avengers – Steed, Purdey & Gambit – but shuffling the episodes. We didn’t get episode 1, we got episode 10 instead. Then they described episode 2 as episode 3.

Mr. Yawn

We’ve been trying, and failing, to come up with someone less likely than Beer Starmer to inspire a riot-stricken nation. His big problem is he doesn’t do leadership. All he can do is the opposite of what the Tories want to do.
    As a result, he just drones on and on and on, endlessly, and leaves everyone wondering if he’ll quit yapping before they lose the will to live.
    When it comes to public disorder, maybe the Chinese and the Russians have the right idea. Send in the tanks and troops to kill all the trouble-makers. A lot more effective than hoping the likes of Beer Starmer will bore them to death.

Next on the agenda?

£300 not going to pensioners because Edstone Miliband lied about reducing their power bill. £300 not going to pensioners because Thieving Reeves stole it.
    What will be Beer Smarmer’s excuse for stealing another 400 quid to bring the total up to an even grosser grand?

Job Lite

If the BMA gets GPs working to rule, and they are allowed to get away with 25 ‘appointments’ per day, it has been pointed out that this isn’t necessarily 10-minute interviews with customers.
    It can be as little as turning up at the office, signing 25 repeat prescription forms and then pushing off.
    It’s a great life if you don’t weaken!

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Well deserved

Nice to see the saintly Andrew Marr get a good booting on the JRM show on GB Views last night. In one of his ludicrous left smarmfests, Marr claimed the UK would be a haven of stability with Beer Smarmer in charge.
    Like that happened.

Interesting theory

Labour is only talking tough about water companies polluting rivers, etc. because it’s involved in a secret deal to put a memory wiping drug in the water supply.
    That way, the government will be about to lie its head off and the poor old public won’t know that the current lies have been exposed as garbage lots of times in the past.
    Is the government likely to get desperate enough actually to do this?
    At the rate the lies are coming, maybe!

Even less cheerable!

Lots of good cheer; not; in the Sunday Post, Scotland’s favourite newspaper. The Chancellor stealing their winter fuel payment is going to put a lot of Scottish pensioners into deeper fuel poverty and the binmen are likely to go on strike for something extortionate, raising the spectre of plagues of flies and rats in the streets.

Nothing to cheer about

It’s only early August but there are plenty of brown leaves on the apple trees. Are we heading for an early autumn and a freezing cold winter despite all the claims from the global warming fraudsters?
    That will make the Chancellor even more popular with the pensioners from whom she’s stolen the winter fuel payment.

Monday 5 August 2024

Sneak attack?

Something being wondered – when did it cease to be a crime to lie to Parliament deliberately? Was it something Labour sneaked through on July 5th when no one was looking? Is that why the Chancellor is getting away with telling deliberate lies last Monday? Lies which have been condemned as such by the Bank of England, the OBR, etc.

Totally Bonkers

One of the daftest gimmicks going has to be the Future Library. It aims to collect one manuscript per year from a famous author for 100 years, and started the project in 2014.
    The works will be stashed in Oslo and not printed until 2114. And there’s even a forest being planted to provide the wood pulp for making the paper!

Naff Nomenclature

It’s the start of August. The US presidential election and the one for the next Tory party leader won’t be held until the beginning of November.
    Something which will go on for 3 months more is not a race, it’s a shamble. And anyone who calls it a race deserves a smack round the back of the head every time they try to insult our collective intelligence.

Dangerously Delusional

Our health minister, that Streeting guy, needs to get his mental health checked if he really thinks that the BMA will recreate the family doctors we used to have in the Good Old Days.
    There isn’t enough dosh in the whole world to buy that from the current bunch of GPs and their far-Left trade union.

Ready for anything

If the police in Sunderland had been issued with water cannons to use on rioting scumbags, they could have put out the blaze at the town’s police headquarters between blasts at the yobs.
    No danger of the grovelling Beer Starmer gang doing anything that constructive, though.

Sunday 4 August 2024

Finally, a great result!

Ogura was on pole for 17 laps of Moto2 but Canet went ahead on lap 1. ‘Biggie’ crash on lap 2. Jake Dixon moved up to 2nd. Arbolino crashed out of 5th on lap 4 going too fast for a corner. And even more gone.
    Joe Roberts was gone from 3rd place. Another ‘biggie’ with 8 laps to go. Canet & Dixon pulled a lead on the field of over 7 seconds! Dixon went ahead on the last lap! Crumbs! A British winner of a race. Vietti was a distant 3rd.

Slow start, better finish

Sun here, not much for 20 laps of the British MotoGP race. Fernandez & Olivera were gone on the first lap. Three red bikes leading. The field became well strung out and there wasn’t much scrapping going on.
    Things got a bit racier in the second half at the front. Martin led in the final laps ahead of Bastianini and Bagnaia, but he was slower than Bastianini, who went on to win. Bagnaia was quite a distant third.

False Pretences

The Labour party now thinks stealing from pensioners to give cash to illegal immigrants is a good idea. Shame we never heard about it during the election campaign.

Great return

Two riders grass-tracking on lap 1/15 in the Moto3 race at Silverstone, three crashers at the end of lap 2. Holgado took the lead but kept losing it. Lots of aggro at the front.
    Ortola took the lead and lost it. Veijer was in front with 3 to go. Then Alonso. Meltdown of the comms! It was Ortola, Alonso and then Veijer at the finish of s really great race.

The result is in

Which was more offensive, a) a commentator making a throw-away remark about a female Olympics team doing their make up or b) Eurosport binning him?
    Option b) was a gross over-reaction by idiots, is the final verdict. And all the morons who complained deserve to be dipped in dogshit. Which sounds fair enough.

Saturday 3 August 2024

Le mot juste

 Cacophonist. That’s a good word to describe the composer Olivier Messiaen, who had one of his symphonies done on the 2024 Proms programme on BBC4 last night.

Biology does matter

Putting an obvious bloke against an Italian woman in Olympics boxing match was a crime against humanity and all those on the IOC who were involved should now be on a life ban from all sporting events.

They don’t give up

Another scam call yesterday. This was a much more modest one than the usual run of things. Instead of a thousand pounds or more going on a credit card, this was just over a hundred on ‘your debit card’. No other details offered, of course.

Significant Absence

The same disaster films keep appearing in the TV schedules, including some real classics, but there’s a very curious empty space. What on Earth has happened to all them Sharknado films? Never a sign of them.

Friday 2 August 2024

Grab and grab again

You have to wonder what was going through the mind of the Reeves woman when she saw what her AI system had produced for the Commons on Monday.
    A normal person would have known that no one would believe the black hole tale she had to offer. Which suggests that if she did it anyway, she’s some sort of pensioner-mugging moral defective. Which isn’t good news for the unfortunate customers.

All that panic for nowt

We were told by the Met Office that there could be thunder storms and floods and road closures yesterday. And power cuts and no trains or buses. What did we get? Loads of sunshine and a good day for putting out lots of washing.

Magic, or what!

We were getting silent calls yesterday; pick up the phone and there’s a dialling tone. So when the phone started ringing in the early afternoon, I thought: “I bet that’s another of the bastards. Well, I ain’t gonna answer this time.” And as I finished the thought, the phone stopped ringing!

This is honesty? Or just plain evil?

The Chancellor pretends she’s found a Black Hole in the accounts, despite assuring us the Office for Budget Responsibility has been helping to make all her claims ‘fully costed’.
    Turns out half of the hole is due to giving above inflation pay rises to the public sector – something the Tories wouldn’t have done so generously as they’re not funded by the trade unions.
    It also turns out that the Black Hole is as difference-making to the national accounts as the UK’s carbon emissions are to the global climate – i.e. not at all as, like the Reeves £23 billion, they’re well within the error limits of the measurements.
    No surprise that people are wondering if Reeves has created a new world records for an incoming minister to shed all credibility. Just three weeks into the job and more lies than you can shake a whole forest of sticks at.
    And she’s grabbing Winter Fuel Allowances from pensioners.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Just what we need

Gulp! The Met Office has gone back threatening us with more Yellow Weather and a cold weekend.
    Disappointed because they failed to create a new world record temperature at somewhere like the middle of Heathrow Airport and all that sun-trap concrete?


Video of a copper stomping on the head of a thug is on TV at once. Video of the thug and his mates attacking the police first at Manchester Airport isn’t shown for over half a week.
    How is that not clear anti-police, pro-thug bias? And more evidence of the media pandering to thug mob rule?
    And as for Manchester’s plastic mayor claiming the situation is ‘complicated’, well, that’s just a useless politician making an unconvincing excuse for having nothing useful to contribute.

Sense of humour absence

A Eurosport commentator gets the sack because he makes a joke about a team of Aussie swimmers being late because they were doing their make-up.
    The Miserable Git lobby does the usual display of fury.
    The human race is doomed to endless tedium with tripehounds like the MGs around.

The way it always goes

Any danger of an apology from the BBC bosses for the vast amounts of our money which they showered on their now disgraced minion Edwards?
    No? Surprise!