Wednesday 13 May 2015

How big a body count?

The Timothy McVeigh Appreciation Society’s members think they have a divine right to get themselves noticed by defacing war memorials, rioting, and looting & burning their local convenience store. They think violence is the way to tell the British electorate they got the result wrong at the last general election when they elected a Tory government, and the whole things needs to be re-run until it delivers the result the lefty loonies want. Which raises a pertinent question.
    If the small stuff doesn’t produce a re-run of the election, what comes next? Blowing up trains and buses? Crashing aircraft into tall buildings? Putting anthrax into a large building’s air conditioning system? Putting a lethal biological agent into the water supply of a large city?
    Just how many people do the lefty lunatics think they’ll have to kill to get their way?

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