Thursday 2 April 2015

More of the same

Black people hadn’t been invented in the 1950s, as far as the British military establishment was concerned; except in subordinate roles. James Bond goes back to a time when black people were rarities in Britain and not members of the establishment. So Ian Fleming didn’t have to describe Bond as white because that was the norm for secret agents. If Fleming had wanted a black Bond, he’d have specified one because it would have been extraordinary and worthy of mention.
    Calling a black actor James Bond in the name of diversity and political correctness is worthy of derision. One would hope that the actor being touted for the part would have sufficient self-respect to see that the PC mob is trying to exploit him.
    Wot next? Make Othello Chinese? Othello, the warlord of Wong Shur? Felix the cat played by a dog? Miss Marple rewritten for an 11-year-old computer kid, who’s noted for his bad attitue?
    This diversity crap is just intellectual laziness of the sort that wished Fast & Furious 7 on the world. Don’t create anything new because that involves hard work. Just recycle existing stuff endlessly.
    Plain pre-thetic!

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