Saturday 10 May 2014

Horrible Humbug

You have to laugh at distance the lunatic left will go to be offended. The latest cause for alarm is a pack of Arial washing powder, which offers 83 washes plus 5 bonus washes for a total of 88. What’s wrong with displaying that number prominently on the packet? Well, as H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, 88 translates to HH, which stands for Heil Hitler – as well as Horrible Humbug and lots of other things. And the looney lefties want it banned for this reason.
● Using the same rule, anything with the number 18 should be banned, because that stands for AH or Adolf Hitler, and also 46 – DF or Der Führer, which is bad news for MotoGP rider and multiple champion Valentino Rossi, as that number is famously his.

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