Thursday 23 December 2010

Scraping For Trivia

There’s a lot of chat about Libs shooting from the lip but what have the rest of them (besides Vince) been saying? D. Heath, deputy leader of the House, said Osbourne, the Chancellor, has the capacity to get up yer nose. P. Burstow, minister for something or other, doesn't want people to trust D. Cameron because he hasn’t become a cuddly Liberal and he has values that Burstow doesn’t share.

A. Stunell, local government minister, has doubts about D. Cameron’s sincerity. N. Baker seems to think he’s in line for a Nobel Prize for putting the Coalition on the right tracks despite having to fight against a regime like the one in South Africa in the apartheid era.

Some bugger else thinks we’re getting a Liberal Maoist revolution. Has anyone asked if we want one? Of course not. And if the government did ask people what they want, it would be New Labour’s abuses abolished, the people in New Labour non-jobs sacked and the same for public service managers with a New Labour mentality (including the police).

What we want is value for money, we want to know where the money is going, and to whom, and we want the people spending taxpayers’ money on our behalf to be accountable to the public for their blunders. But will we get any of that from the Liberals? Fat chance!

Note of Etiquette: In future, he’s to be known as “Vince Cable, the disgraced business secretary”, which is rather Mandelson.