Tuesday 30 November 2010

The Real Shocker!

Are we shocked by the shower of US diplomatic telegrams on WikiLeaks? Does it come as any surprise to know that the Yanks thought Gordon Brown was a nutter and David Cameron is a non-entity who doesn’t believe in anything, least of all real Conservatism with a Capital C? Maybe we’re surprised to find that Hilary Clinton seems to be going into the identity theft business if she’s collecting the credit card details of UN diplomats. But are we shocked? Given Mrs. Clinton’s record, not even a little bit.

No, the only shocking thing in the news right now comes in the Leslie Nielsen obituaries. In the Good Old Days, I used to watch Police Squad whenever I could find it on TV. I was always convinced that there were lots of episodes of this wonderful comedy series. I was dumbfounded to learn that only SIX episodes were ever made because the Great American TV Audience was too dim to get this terrific show. Now, that really is shocking. And very sad.

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