Tuesday 1 October 2024

More sneakiness

Wonderful news for pensioners. The government has jacked up gas and electricity prices as part of its Winter Kill programme using Israel’s invasion of Lebanon as a distraction.

Just hot air

It’s all very well for Mark Dolan on GB Views to give us a long list of things that a Tory leader has to do. Which casually ignores the fact that there’s NOTHING the Tories can do but talk and snipe at Labour for the next 4-5 years if they are out of power.
    Thus the rant last night was a waste of time.
    Maybe someone needs to tell Dolan that nothing is going to change for years. Not that he’d take any bloody notice.

Look the other way

Why is the BBC giving us all this guff about some dancing prog that it hosts? Is it them doing their mates in the Labour party a favour by ignoring their manifold crimes against humanity?

Bargain Basement

Does inept Foreign Secretary, Dozy Dave, have an alibi for his attempt to make a UN on Putin’s assault on Ukraine all about his ancestor being sold into slavery?
    Could it be that their fellow Africans rounded all the drones to sellto the visitors with guns?
    Which would make Dave the product of generations of in-breeding among the dregs of African society. His obvious unfitness for office invites just such speculation.

Sounds Fair

If Beer Smarmer’s theft of the Winter Fuel Allowance kills 6,000 pensioners over the winter, that will be five times the Hamas kill rate of Israelis last year.
    It would be nice to think that it would give Israel the pleasure of going to the International Court to vote for an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity for our vindictive, lying, scrounging prime monster.