Monday 24 June 2024

Vacuum Man!

Sir Kreepy’s problem is that he doesn’t have a clue about what a government should do, and also about how the world works.
    That’s why he just parrots whatever’s being yelled loudest around him and claims that’s Labour party policy without ever realizing he keeps contradicting himself.
    That’s why he trots out phrases like ‘working class’ without knowing what they mean and ends up looking like a tosser when someone challenges him to explain himself.
    And then there’s his failure to know the difference between male and female. What, if anything, goes on in his bonce?

Not even close

It’s a joke, really, claiming a 17-year-old killer has a life sentence when he’ll be let out after 16 years. Or even less if the soft-on-crime brigade get their way.

Dietary delights

It was a hoot to read that McDonalds has has to sack an AI system and give the job of taking spoken orders from their customers back to a human being.
    The dozy AI is reported to have decided that bacon rashers are a great garnish for ice cream dishes and loading customers up with lots of chicken nuggets, no matter what they actually ordered, is also a good idea.

Playing the Bad Guy Card

Is Labour’s plan to revalue properties just an excuse to shove up Council Tax? Even Labour voters join the majority of others in knowing this is true.

Sunday 23 June 2024

Playing the Nutter Card?

What’s Nigel Farage up to? His claim that NATO and the EU drove Putin the Poisoner into making his attack on Ukraine just reduces him to the level of the average political nutter such as the Just Stoppers and the gangs who keep pretending anything done here will dig Hamas out of their hole in Palestine.

Also deprived

Come to think of it, I didn’t have access to Sky TV when I was a lad. And Sky not actually doing satellite broadcasts at the time doesn’t get in the way of playing the ‘poor me’ card.

Seasonal joy?

Well, there was something cheerful on the Drama channel last night – a Christmas story that started with Santa Claus with his throat cut. Then Mary Christmas stuffed down a chimney!

Real challenge

The current game @ the Mansion is to think of something our pal Beer Starmer hasn’t told a blatant porkie about.
    He’s managed to cover a lot of ground with his promises of no tax rises, wealth creation, thousands more public sector jobs without letting on where the money is coming from.
    But he is a poltician who’s desperate to get into the spotlight by any means he thinks necessary.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Strained credibility

If Beer Starmer really did have the stellar legal career his propagandists are claiming, what’s he doing messing about in politics in the party of the ragged-trousered Corbynistas? Did someone have a quiet word with him and tell him he’s not learned enough in the law to be a convincing judge?

Who gets the job?

Nigel Farage is upset that his vetting company, which had just a few days notice of the general election, let some outright nutters a well as people with unpopular views slip through the net.
    Of the people complained about, the woman who thinks 9/11 was an inside job is clearly a weirdo. The bloke who knows that the Chinese plague was built in the laboratory at Wuhan isn’t.
    Looks like Mr. Farage’s own vetting abilities aren’t up to much.


I suppose it’s too much to hope that the dickheads who sprayed Stonehenge with orange stuff will be taken to Land’s End and tossed into the sea when the tide is going out.

The real deal

Now that the summer solstice is out of the way, we can stop pretending to take any notice of the Met Office’s meteorological summer, which starts on the first of the month instead of the longest day.
    Strange they have to go along with their fantasy. But it’s probably an essential part of selling the not so great Global Warming Fraud.
    Nothing like the wind whistling through the trees in the garden to take the edge of what could be a warm, sunny day.

Friday 21 June 2024

Even more

The Supreme Court mob are doing their best to prevent any oil and gas extraction in and around the UK by endless nit-picking. Do they know how insignificant our contribution is on a global scale? Or are they just so hard-Left that they are ready to do anything to sabotage our prosperity?

More looney leftery

According to the boss of the Metropolitan Police, the legal trade has skewed the definitions of racial and religious hatred to allow them to be done legally if the perpetrator isn’t abusive or threatening.
    Presumably, to avoid filling what’s left of the available prison space with hate-mongering supporters of Hamas and other members of the hard-Left community.

Gap filler

Is Tony Blair really desperate to be noticed? That could be why he’s trying to set himself up as the person who knows all about human anatomy, replacing Beer Starmer, who clearly doesn’t have a clue about male and female.

What climate change?

We’re having the same start to June’s weather as we got four years ago, according to the people who keep track of these things. Which leaves the rest of us suspecting that the gang yelling for our money are exaggerating minor bobbles in the generally flat spectrum of our weather.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Politics of the madhouse

Nigel Farage reckons the country is broke, as it was the last time we had a Labour government. What’s his fix? A massive splurge on public spending and cutting the taxes that would pay for it.

A likely story

Is the golfer bloker who isn’t winning major competitions really cursed, as the pundits would have us believe? Or does he just bottle it when it comes to the crunch?

Also not great

What a wonderful son Beer Starmer turned out to be. He keeps going on at his poor old dad for dragging him up in abject poverty with complaints such as the family didn’t have Sky TV.
    Which didn’t start doing satellite broadcasting until the end of the 1980s, whcn Beer was heading for thirty years old.

Not that Great!

Why does Great! TV persist in attaching the wrong summary on to the series 6 episodes of The Avengers, which are currently on offer? Just to annoy and/or confuse the customers? Or is it whoever does the Virgin TV menus having a laff?

Wednesday 19 June 2024

“Did he just sneer at Spock’s ears?”

There seems to be rather a lot of Captain Kirk of the starship Enterprise doing his ‘shouty-blarty’ having a go at everyone in sight in the Star Trek episodes we’re getting on Legend.
    Was ranting the ‘in thing’ in the late 1960s? Maybe the next step after method acting?

As bad as politicians

The thing about the global warming terrifiers is that they can always come up with tale. Why aren’t we getting an early start to summer this year? Blah, blah, blah.
    And it would be just the same meaningless blah if we were all melting in Scorchio! conditions.

Big bins needed?

I see Mr. Musk isn’t going to let Apple phones with artificial intelligence add-ons be taken into the premises of the companies he owns as a security precaution in case they start spying on their surroundings like the home talking tin cans Alexa and others.
    Could he end up having to install airport-style security gates if the fad for AI apps infects all the other phone companies? Which is bound to happen.

Just Poisonous

Putting yourself about isn’t always of advantage to a politician. Take Beer Starmer’s bloke Streeting for instance. His favourite occupation seems to be wallowing in the political gutter. The more one hears about him, the less fitted to any sort of government job he becomes.
    Which makes him certain to get one if Beer is in charge.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Leading Expert

If Beer Starmer was cynically lying to us when he swore blind that Jeremy Corbyn would be a brilliant PM, does that mean he’s such an accomplished liar that we will never be able to spot when he’s doing it?
    Apart from noticing he’s got his mouth open, of course.

Almost comforting

Normal people, i.e. omnivores, are always being slagged off for eating ultra-processed foods, but being a vegetarian is no protection, some researchers have found.
    If your vegetable gunk is ultra-processed to make it look like a pork pie or a hot dog, you’re still gonna die!!

A decent alternative

What to watch as an escape from the election crap on an uninspiring TV night? The second Austin Powers film, The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) got the job done.
    I hadn’t seen it for ages and the recent recording turned out to be daft but very watchable. But I was surprised that after quoting from all sorts of other films, they didn’t make the huge Scotsman Fat Bastard explode like the gastronome Mr. Creosote in the 1983 Monty Python film The Meaning of Life.

Blatant bias

Is the growth of the far-Right in Europe a cancer, as the press spectators would have us believe? Or is it just The Universe letting everyone have a spell in the sunshine of approval? Which generally turns out to be a disaster for the UK when the Labour party gets a turn.

Monday 17 June 2024

More of it

Same with the manifesto from the other Horizon Hero, Beer Smarmer. He didn’t dare put anything much in it in case people started asking awkward questions about how much more cash Labour would have to thieve off us to pay off the trade unions, which keep Mr. Smarmer in beer.

Horizon Hero Hoo-Haa

It’s difficult to imagine anything more pointless than the Liberal election manifesto launch. They’re not going to be the next government, so the whole thing was irrelevant.
    Worse, they don’t have a clue how to deliver all the stuff they promised.
    Still, the firms that printed all the signs will have been happy to take money off mugs.

Notice Junkie

With Labour snapping at the SNP’s heels in Scotland, Wee Burney Sturgeon can’t resist going out and about in other people’s constituencies to get herself noticed.
    But she doesn’t want journalists pestering her with awkward questions. She just wants the adoration of the ignorant voter.

Good for something

What are the Greens for? Hoovering up all the anti-Semitic mob who used to be part of the O.J. Corbyn Labour crowd is being offered.
    Well, I suppose someone has to do it. And it dilutes all the lunatic Islamistas in the party. Somewhat.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Spotlight problem

Image is everything for politicians; that’s why our old mate Beer struggles so much for credibility. Looks like his choice for Chancellor is having the same problem.
    She released a knocking-job piece about the Tories, only to have it ripped to shreds for being full of obviously dodgy stuff. Maybe that’s why she’s in politics instead of still working at the Bank of England.

Quote, requote

The Daily Disaster offered the following quotation by the journalist C.P. Scott during the week:
“Television? The word is half Greek, half Latin. No good can come of it.”
    Which prompted one of my correspondents to come up with:
“Internet? The world is half Latin, half Old English. No good can come of it.”


What the bloody hell is a triangular number, which had the answer ‘ten’ according to the crossword compiler, who certainly made me cross.
    Apparently, it’s a number of dots which can be arranged in a stack to form an equilateral triangle. Three would be 2 + 1 and ten is 4 +3 +2 +1.
    What a waste of time concept!

The way it always goes

Election manifesto, the party GUARANTEES all sorts of goodies, HOORAY!
    Fast forward to when delivery is due.
    Due to unexpected circumstances, the promise has had to be postponed [indefinitely until the voters forget about it], sorry, not our fault.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Waste not . . .

Where did all the SS uniforms go after World War II? To the bad guys in the countries where the Impossible Mission Force operates.

More proportionality

Maybe the news media should give political parties air time based on their presence in Parliament. Which would mean about a minute for the Liberals and 2 seconds for the Greens. A new party like Reform could maybe get a couple of minutes as a gesture until they’ve been tested in a general election.

Vote Liberal, Get Labour

Maybe it’s just as well that Eddie Davey, the Post Office minister who let Horizon happen, won’t be our next PM if he wants us back in the EU.
    Mind you, there’s no guarantee that an EU shifted away from socialism/communism would let him in. Or Beer Smarmer, who’s a more likely candidate for PM.


The film Monster Hunter (2020) – what’s that a rip-off of?
    Huge burrowing creatures, so Tremors? Dune’s Shaihulud? And fire-breathing flying monsters, so Reign of Fire?

Friday 14 June 2024

In their own world

Met Office weather forecasters keep going on about summer weather. Shame they can’t handle the first 3 weeks of June still being spring, and grasp the concept of summer starting on the longest day; June 20th this year; and not the first of the month that hosts it.

Message not received

It’s quite a curious experiencem, seeing someone like Rachel Reeves on TV and turning your attention elsewhere because you just know she’s lying to you by distorting the truth and/or telling just part of it to get her hand in your pocket.
    Shame that TV companies have to let her do it by law and they can’t choose not to broadcast bullshit.

Change? Don’t happen

We’re in the 24th century, so are we civilized? Nope, there’s Captain Jim Kirk bashing lumps off people with his fists like some contemporary back-street brawler.

Time not wasted

 The Labour manifesto can be ignored, is the expert opinion. Beer Smarmer has too much form for making firm promises which just get lost as he trundles on his merry way.

Thursday 13 June 2024


I’m currently near the end of Black Dog by Stephen Booth, which was published in 2000. We tend to think of all the woke nonsense and diversity crap as something fairly recent, but there’s a superintendent complaining about it on page 262.
    Clearly, the rot set in years ago. During the New Labour catastrophe, looks like.

Dream on . . .

The Greens might as well have promised to raise taxes for the rich to 180% of both income and assets in their manifesto, and to give all the loot to Hamas.
    They have Nett Zero chance of forming a government after the election and they know it. Which makes them just background noise.

Post-election scenario

Beer Smarmer wins but when the Speaker calls for Questions to the Prime Minister for the first time, the leader of the Opposition stays put on his Commons bench.
    “Thanks you, Mr. Speaker,” comes the response, “but we know the leader of the party opposite will just lie to us, as he has done so often in the past, and we see no season to be involved in an aimless game of charades.”
    Bang! Mr. Speaker explodes with outrage!

Real dilemma!

Airwolf, the wonder helicopter, batters the bad guy with its rotor wash and his suitcase of cash goes everywhere as the cops arrive.
    Do they go after the evidence, i.e. the cash, and ignore the fleeing bad guy as Airwolf disappears over the horizon, job done?

Give us a break

Don’t you just hate crossword compilers who stick in words that aren’t to be found in your copy of the 1,652-page Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary?
    Lagomorph? Bloody hell.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Not so different

Even the language of allegedly neutral reporters is polarized; something they accuse their readers of. That’s why it’s hard-Right (tough, evil, nasty) and only far-Left (distant, harmless).

Good luck to them

Nice to see the play based on 3 episodes of Fawlty Towers is extending its run to meet demand. Maybe there’s a little hope for the country that’s being overwhelmed by a deluge of sick, woke garbage.

Exit stage left?

It seems scarcely credible that babies are still dying of whooping cough when a vaccine is readily available. Maybe the human race is going to kill itself off. Unaided.

Views may differ

There seems to be a growing army of anti-Farageists, who refuse to believe that if the Tories are wiped out in the election, it will be due to Farage’s Army.
    “No, it won’t,” the antis yell. “The Tories did it to themselves. Unaided! End of!”

A loser both ways

No surprise that the BBC ignored Beer Smarmer’s refusal to help a ‘loved one’ go private to skip a long NHS waiting list.
    His “No!” makes him a really nasty basturd. On the other hand, he might have been lying, for which he has abundant form, to be right-on with the lunatic left. Which makes him a cynical nasty basturd.
    Or just cold-blooded and indifferent to human suffering.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Shameless Propaganda

What is the BBC doing still whingeing on about the PM leaving the D-Day Do early days later?
    Can’t be arsed to give us any real news?

Wheels off

One day, Beer Smarmer is calling the PM when he exposed Labour’s tax & waste plans. The next, theGuardian was going on about 12 taxes that Rachel Reeves wants to raise to waste. Eggon Mush time for Rodney.

Obstructive facts

We’ve had the warmest spring ever, claim the climate claptrappers, whose records go back less than the blink of an eye in terms of the Earth’s history.
    We’re still getting fair amounts of snow on mountain tops in the Highlands, the Sunday Post reported. Which reminds us that the claptrappers are just talking about small fractions of a degree and nothing meaningful.

Time to charge them

There were 150,000 idiots swanning around on Whitehall in London, according the story in the paper. Not telling us anything different from all the other demos.
    It’s definitely time to make them pay for the policing. But with a Labour idiot as mayor & police commissioner, they know they’re safe.

Monday 10 June 2024

Worth a try

How about someone’s election manifesto demanding some cash compensation from China, India and the rest of the countries which have coal-fired power stations which are supposed to be changing our climate?
    Obviously, it will come to the same nothing that all the demands for a cease-fire in Gaza achieve, but it will be a bit of a change from the usual tedious tripe.

Clueless Knight

Beer Starmer’s energy policy doesn’t make sense, the Sunday Post told us.
    But look at where the policy came from. Why would anyone expect anything else?

Virtue blagging

Nice to see Stephen Fry getting a good kicking for his latest attention-seeking outburst of arrogance.
    His apologists reckon he was just being funny. If so, he’s obviously lost his touch with advancing years. Shame the Garrick Club didn’t tell him to get lost when he started making trouble. And every other club he belongs to.

Whose side are they on?

The Scottish tourist industry has reported a drop in staycations there. Why? Because local councils are charging nearly six thousand quid for a licence to do short-term rentals.
    Probably so that they have a bit extra to waste on diversity claptrap. Or not, if the natives are getting restless and not falling for the scam.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Lasting Well

Crumbs! Dick Van Dyke is still around at 98. What was he doing on D-Day? How come we’re not being told?

Crunch with a Canadian accent

Lots of joy among the Canadian football fans @ the Mansion. A new season has opened with a one-sided stonker. Why did the world champion Montreal Alouettes have to go all the way to Winnipeg for their Grey Cup rematch opener? Probably something to do with the TV schedule.

Another “get out of that”

The main problem for older people who play host to a cat, I have been advised, is that cats are so agile that they can get under your feet as you are planting a foot, thinking you’ve successfully avoided the cat!

D-Day Counter

This won’t be a popular thought, but if the D-Day crew hadn’t won, we wouldn’t be having to put up with Beer Starmer smarming all over us and claiming to be the bee’s knees he once assured us O.J. Corbyn was.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Shame on you for not having any

The D-Day Do should have been all about the old blokes who came home and stayed alive to around 100 years old, and their contemporaries who didn’t make it home.
    Making the next day’s lunchtime news all about how long the PM was in France was typical of the appalling bad taste and lack of focus we now expect from the BBC and the rest of the irrelevant left-wing rabble.

Give us a break

What we really need is a non-election TV news channel to give us reports on real world current events instead of all the ‘outrage of the moment’ stuff that becomes totally irrelevant and forgotten when the next dose of claptrap comes along.

Take Two

Also from Little John: Labour’s online anti-Semitism course (presumably one that’s supposed to correct the condition rather than promote it) takes two hours.
    Log on, watch two episodes of The Avengers that you’ve recorded on your TV box and that’s the job done.
    Ain’t life grand in Smarmer’s Army!
    p.s. guess what the BBC will be getting kids to "Listen With" if it embraces hard-core rap. Something beginning with Motherf and ending with a string of asterisks.

Get a bloody life

Is it a major news story that the Prime Minister left the D-Day Do early? No, that was what he planned to do and that’s what he did. Good job nothing serious is going on in the world if all the BBC can do is focus on something so trivial.

Friday 7 June 2024

Necessary Action

Don’t you just wish the papers would shoot whoever it is who insists on publishing a total of the gaol time a gang gets? And keeps on exterminating the dolts until it stops.
    What we need is a government department that culls these meaningless rituals and provides a genuine service to the nation.

Not the same impact

An interesting thought from Little John in the Daily Disaster. Now that Labour is the party of Not Working @ Home (or elsewhere), the Jarrow bunch would have to be Marching From (or at) Home.
    What a weird world we live in.

A licence to be very odd

What weird times we live in if the Catholic Church is going to make a saint out of a young lad; a rather bossy religious mania case; who died at the age of 15 less than 20 years ago.
    Bits of his remains go on world tours! And there’s a souvenir industry. And his body is on display in a glass-fronted coffin in Assisi with 3-D printed replicas of his face and hands. Which a lot of the townsfolk, and fans of St. Francis, find terribly mediaeval.

Please, Please, Panic!!

What the hysteria-mongers of the meeja were touting as a Labour civil war over Diane Abbott was seem by the Tories as just a bit of an identity crisis.
    But hey! That’s nowhere near alarmist enough!

Thursday 6 June 2024

Boeing Up!

Nice to see that the Boeing Starliner finally managed to get off the launch pad and take a couple of astronauts and a cargo of supplies to the ISS.
    What’s not so nice is to see them still using the massive boster rocket system to get to orbit. Where’s the space-going rocket plane that should be putting all that stuff in the history books?

But they won’t be forgotten

I do tend to wonder about all the D-Day Dos. All those old codgers dragged across the Channel and told that nothing they did after something that happened 80 years ago has any significance. It must get terribly boring for them.

Red Tripe

The Red Wall defectors from Labour to the Tories are said to be switching back because they’re unhappy about what the Tories are doing about migration.
    Which has to count as one of the daftest bits of political garbage going. After all, what’s Starmer and his crew going to do about it? Apart from blow a lot of our cash and not actually manage to do anything.

Tick with the left hand

All the Islamists who are disrupting universities here and in the United States have a person of influence supporting them. Unfortunately, it’s the Supreme Leader in Iran who thinks they’re doing great. Which is not going to make many friends for the wreckers futher to the west.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Non event?

Whatever happened to that civil war in the Labour party that was supposed to be breaking over Abacus Abbott not getting that she was supposed to do the decent thing and retire as one of the Labour gang?
    Lots of sound, fury and entitlement, Abbott claiming she wasn’t being allowed to stand as a Labour MP and Beer Starmer outraged because no one believed it wasn’t him who was trying to do everyone a favour by getting rid of Abbott. But no civil war.
    Oh, well, on to the next bit of fake news. Yes, there will be another along in a minute.

Now we know for sure

Deadleg Starmer didn’t want to do a weekly debate with the PM because he knew it would be weakly. That’s the conclusion to be drawn from the opinions about the relative performances on ITV last night.
    Which comes as no surprise. It’s obvious that Starmer is just a dull plodder while Sunak has a bit of life to him and no wonder he ran rings around Beer.

Political Wibble

It’s all very well for the Trivial Democraps to issue an election manifesto saying they’ll end water pollution but everyone knows they won’t be in charge of anything after the election, which makes the manifesto just meaningless noise from their leader, Davey – one of the gang who let the Horizon Horror Happen. But isn’t being held to account for it, of course.

Do something else

Someone needs to tell the people who moan about political party leaders swanning around the country doing daft stunts for TV cameras that they don’t have to take any notice of the idiots.
    Really, they don’t.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

A bit crowded?

England vs Bosnia & Herzegovena, I noticed in last night’s TV menu. Did that mean our 11 men had to play 22 from the combined opposition?
    Crumbs! That doesn’t sound fair. And pity the poor ref!

More schmolitics

Tourists are wrecking the island, ban them, the mayor of Mallorca decided. Only to have to do a Starmer U-turn when it was pointed out forcibly that he was wrecking the economy.
    It’s not exactly comforting to know that politicians everywhere are clowns. Here, we have the example of city councils which are killing off footfall to their city centres with UseLEZ scams, which do nothing much for air quality, but shove a ton of money into the pot that the politicians can waste and donate to their mates.

If there’s a point, it will be missed

According to the people who know her, Abacus Abbott is a nice enough old person but a total air-head. That’s what Mr. Littlejohn of the Daily Disaster reckons.
    She’s also excessively entitled and clearly too dim to realize that being let back into Starmer’s Army was so that she could retire gracefully as a Labour MP, not carry on being Pointless In Parliament.

Is America honest?

Donald Trump has been stitched up on the basis of the flimsiest cases imaginable. But everyone knew him being found not guilty in New York was as likely as Putin not being re-elected president in Russia.
    Will appeal courts be honest enough to toss out the convictions? Or is the Leader of the Western World in the hands of people as corrupt as those in any of the tinpot dictatorships around the world that it mocks?

Monday 3 June 2024


I have been advised that the Nessie spotting season has opened in Scotland. Which leaves me wondering why the more enterprising parts of England can’t inflate a local legend to raise some cash and Save The Planet by eliminating a trip all the way up to Loch Ness.

No shining example

Among the reasons we have been given for why we should appreciate Diane ‘Abacus’ Abbot is that she was at Cambridge University. In the light of her long but less than stellar career in Parliament, it’s likely that the management of the uni would prefer that not to be stressed.

No Surprise

It’s now officially the Ditchwater Election that we’re having to put up with. The dullest ever. And there’s still a bit over a month of it left. Which should stretch our powers of ignoring tripe to the very limit.

Bad but not terribly smart?

How strange that the International League of Bad Guys (ILBG) didn’t create dossiers on the Impossible Mission Force to stop them swanning around the world, creating mayhem for ILBG members.

Sunday 2 June 2024

Everyone deafened!

Whose brilliant idea was it to let the Italian Air Force swoop low over the stadium ahead of 23 laps of MotoGP? And there were idiots letting off track-side flares and creating mucho smog.
    Bagnaia led from Martin early on. Mir was gone on lap 7. Bastianini settled in 3rd with Marc Marquez behind him. No one was able to catch the guy ahead but the comms were waiting for tyres to go off.
    Marquez took 3rd with 6 laps to go. A perfect pass put Bastianini back ahead of him and he went on to do for Martin at the last corner to finish 2nd.

Time for a sprint

10 minutes late starting Moto2 and only 12 laps instead of 19. Swizz! Joe Roberts took the lead. Lopez went ahead on lap 4. Aldeguer was gone starting this lap, and Alcoba.
    Gonzalez got past Roberts, chasing a first win. Big crash for Darren Binder on lap 6.  Roberts got to 2nd but was shunted back to 4th starting lap 9. Canet took the lead for a while. Roberts was back on lap 10. Gonzalez tried hard but stayed 2nd, Lopez was 3rd.

Afterthoughts too late

The phone rings. It’s a young lady with an Indian accent claiming to be from BT and calling about my internet line. Yes, I get them, too. So I do the usual. I waste a bit of her time by pretending to be a complete computer novice and I don’t let on that we don’t have BT’s internet.
    Some time after she rings off in disgust, I realize I should have had a go at her for letting bad guys use my internet connection without my permission and what sort of useless security do you have at BT anyway, eh? eh?
    Maybe next time.

All Action

Moto3 from Mugelo, Italia. Alonso zoomed into the lead on lap 1/17, Ortola right behind him. Two back-markers gone on lap 3; incredible riding to avoid them! Red Flag on lap 4.
    Two gone at turn 1 on lap1 of 11 after the restart. Holgado got the blame and a double long-lap penalty. Susuki gone at turn 10. Alonso keep losing the lead, but he was off and away when he regained it on lap 8/11.
    Viejer was 2nd, Ortola crashed out of 3rd on the last lap, giving his place to Yamanaka. Holgado got 2 points for 14th.

Not really earth-shattering

Does anyone really care about what The Crown’s case against Lord Lucan was, should he ever have been brought to trial for murder?
    We know that the legal trade will twist facts any way that suits them to get a pay day.
    Which makes a week of podcasts about the affair from the Daily Disaster quite easy to give a miss to.

Saturday 1 June 2024


The Green party, 1 MP. What use is it and what are its policies worth apart from nothing if it will have no influence on the next government?
    Just make-work for otherwise unemployable people?

When in doubt, BANG!

Airwolf on the Legend channel gets a hell of a lot of mileage out of its footage of a white missle with a red nose falling for a starburst decoy.
    Which saves having to write quite a lot of plot to fill up the screen time!

Calls worth missing

One of my correspondents made an appointment to get his eyes tested, which involved a wait of over a fortnight but he was put on a cancellation list with a promise of a phone call if a suitable appointment came up.
    He’d barely got back home before the phone range. With a recorded voice doing one of those ‘bank security department’ and ‘charges to your card’ scams.
    Half an hour later, it was a young Indian lady claiming to be from BT and wanting to chat about his internet, even though he doesn’t have BT’s service.
    Is living in an age of ready communications really that much of an advantage?

Needs to be done

If the 1,000 jobs cutter Czech Sphinx gets his germans on the Royal Mail, it should definitely lose the Royal connection and the legitimizing that goes with it.
    No king’s head on the stamps and there needs to be stringent legal rules on the service offered and prices.