Thursday 4 July 2024

Are they coming for us?

In the wake of all the films about an alien invasion from above and/or below on America’sn Independence Day, you end up half hoping they will turn up today and do us out of the horror of another tax & waste Labour government!

Another ‘who cares?’

Why do we need to be told what type of tie a copper was wearing when he was in court accused of stealing money from the body of an Italian bloke, who had a fatal heart attack when riding a bike in north London?

Surprise? No, we knew it wasn’t true.

Still reading: the Office for National Statistics has seen off the Labour lie that the Tories crashed the economy. We’ve done better than the rest of Europe since New Labour was binned and Brexit hasn’t been the disaster the miserable Bremoaners were hoping it would be.
    There are lies, damned lies and election propaganda.

Not much of a gesture

I read that Barcelona thinks it can discourage the tourist trade, and everywhere being bought up for rentals to the exclusion of locals, by charging visitors an extra 3 euros per night. Sounds rather a forlorn hope, to me. 3 lousy euros? How’s that going to put off the punters?

Wednesday 3 July 2024

“So what, mate?”

Rabble-rousing is easy if you know you’re not going to be the next government. “We will abolish income tax, the BBC, all the green wokery, etc., etc. Okay, it’s not going to happen, but that’s what we’d do if we could.”
    As with Reform, so also with the irrelevant Liberals, the party of silly stunts led by the man who let Horizon happen.

Whatever sets you off

Odd lot, these foreigners. Calling a party the New Popular Front uses two trigger words. Popular means popular with your country’s enemies and a Front is fascist.
    But maybe the French are differently triggered.
    And the National Rally sounds like outings in vintage cars all over the country and harmless.


Something else I read was a comment by someone in a rural area about the lack of election posters. The best suggestion I’ve heard for that is the parties are stepping around the jobs of printing, distributing and recycling the discards by just not bothering.
    The way to avoid clogging up the environment with discards is to avoid creating them in the first place. Pre-planned cycling, which shortens cutely to precycling.
    Pragmatic, or what!

Omission, omission, omission

Boris Johnson fancies himself as a historian. Strange he wrote about the cheering mob that greeted Tony Blair when he took over in Downing Street in 1997 without pointing out that the mob was Labour stooges not real people.
    A real historian gives you the whole story, not just the spin and surface gloss.

We don’t matter?

 You really do have to wonder what the medical trade is really all about if 10% of the motions for discussion offered to the BMA’s annual conference were about what is going on in Palestine rather than anything relevant to the customers in the UK.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Fashion flop

Nice to see the celebs who insist on lugging a small dog around in a handbag or a pram have upset the animal welfare lobby to the extent that they are being accused of putting the pet in danger of being suffocated.

More ‘sense’

The OECD is claiming that the UK’s low fertility rate is due to Brexit. Which is strange as it is much the same as in the un-exited parts of the European Union.

White so not right

Taxpayer-funded lunatic Lefties here are trying to get milk declared a racialist product because a lot of people living outside Europe and North America are lactose intolerant and can’t consume it.
    The Republicans in the United States are trying to get raw, unpasteurized milk declared a health product and exempt from the attentions of the federal government.
    Any old excuse to waste time, effort and our money.

Busy Life

Isn’t it wonderful to take something like Princess Anne’s recent collision with a horse and make it all about you to fill up most of your newspaper column?
    And be able to do it again next week about something completely different.

Monday 1 July 2024

The price has no value

Just what useful purpose is served by telling us that a car which crashed through some school gates and killed 2 little girls when the driver lost contol cost £80,000?
    No price offered for the lives of the dead girls, of course.

Would work!

A Sunday Post reader came up with the brilliant idea of replacing Archbishop Wetby of Canterbury with a Halloween turnip as it will have nothing to say on anything that matters and not cause needless offence.

Michael extracted

Just how haute coutoure is a woman in a frock that barely covers her knickers with what looks like a hoop of wide-mesh fishing net dangling past her knees?

Life’s too short

When I see a whole page of a newspaper devoted to slamming some nasty bastard I’ve never heard of, I feel no guilt about turning the page instead of becoming informed.
    That way, I can continue to remain uninvolved if the nasty bastard’s name ever crops up again.
    Not getting involved in Lucy Letby podcasts is out of the same box.