Just back from a summit conference in southern climes, where it’s a bit warmer than England after dark. Arriving back in the vicinity of the mansion, I was rather dismayed to see a big black cloud hovering over it. All around the horizon, it was blue sky, fluffy bits of white cloud and the sun shining. But a big black cloud where I live. Sometimes, you suspect the universe has got it in for you. A conclusion a guy living on my route home must have reached.
I noticed, while waiting for traffic lights to change, that he had covered his roof in solar panels. I also noticed that they were in shade because the guy across the road had a Leylandii hedge that looked about 30-odd feet tall! So the guy with the solar panels won’t get much output from them for about 5 months of the year. But I don’t suppose the cowboy who installed the solar panels mentioned this slight problem at the time.
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