Thursday 17 October 2024

Just typical

Hurricane Milton was going to be the Storm of the Century. But it turned out to be rather a flop when it hit Miami. Not that the chumps who choose to live there will be complaining.
    But Milton was typical of what we are getting to day. The big build-up and . . . nothing much. Just like our wonderful Labour government.

Just Irrelevant

Does anyone in the area give the proverbial rat’s arse for what our government claims to think about what is happening in Gaza and Lebanon?
    Only a chump thinks this could happen.

Everyone losing with Labour

The London visit has been bad for US popster T. Swift on credibility grounds. Her mother is getting the blame for blackmailing Labour’s freebie cadgers into blowing half a million qjuid on VIP police escorts.
    And Swift herself is now reduced to the level of a Smarmer – a billionaire who won’t pay for her own security. She’s down in the social dumps with the Scoffer and dancing whinger Amanda.

Going a lot better?

Warmonger Tony Blair gave us a £1 billion Millennium Dome scam for his bogus millennium change a year early.
    Is Beer Smarmer’s £22 billion carbon capture hole in the ground an attempt to outshine Blair? And can we look forward to him getting us into 22 wars to put Blair’s single confected war with Iraq to shame?

Wednesday 16 October 2024


It’s a shame the A-Team and MacGyver never teamed up. They could have conquered the world for the good guys with their endless slick gadgets.

All about the money

Are Smarmer’s ministers in a competition to be the biggest embarrassment possible? Lammy has to be way out ahead with his racialist brown whinges with a Labour cladding about slavery reparations, which add up to “give us money we don’t deserve because we don’t want to make the effort to earn it”.
    And doing it on behalf of Barbados, which is taking cash from China, the world leader in slavery now, puts Dave way out in front of the competition.

False Expectations

You have to wonder about the mentality of the people who are blaming our wonderful Labour government’s string of huge catastrophes on the lack of a Conservative party leader.
    Even when they have one, whoever it is won’t be able to repair Labour’s damage until the Tories are in government again.
    Life won’t suddenly become wonderful on November 2nd.